Dr. Joshua Hren had the privilege of speaking on Archangel Radio’s Catholic Morning program on October 8, 2019. Dr. Hren was able to discuss the benefits of a Catholic education, specifically that of the Honors Program at Belmont Abbey College.  He spoke in depth of the benefits of a Great Books education and the impact that this education has on the lives of its students.

Click play below to listen to Dr. Hren’s complete interview. He begins speaking at the 24 minute mark.

Dr. Hren works with Dr. Joe Wysocki and Dr. Christine Basil as the faculty team for the Honors College at Belmont Abbey College, recently honored a hidden gem by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni. The Honors College follows a Great Books curriculum and pushes students to have a greater mindset regarding education and the world. Learn more about our Honors College by clicking here.

Joshua Hren