Marvellous, a sophomore at Belmont Abbey College, has been volunteering with Operation Christmas Child’s shoebox program for the past year. When he is not in class or running at a track meet, he is traveling around the United States telling his story about how God has blessed his life. We sat down with Marvellous to ask him questions about Operation Christmas Child and how it has affected his life.

Operation Christmas Child’s shoebox program is part of Samaritan’s Purse, which is a non-denominational Christian organization. They provide spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. The journey of each shoebox starts with people packing shoeboxes and then churches and groups take the boxes to drop-off locations. The shoeboxes are shipped to more than 100 countries, and then volunteer National Leadership Team pastors and community leaders will host an outreach event. The outreach events offer the word of God and invites them to follow Him.

In the video Marvellous talks about how he got involved with Operation Christmas Child.
“My foster family volunteers with Operation Christmas Child and realised I got the same [shoebox] when I was younger. Operation Christmas Child came and interviewed me. That was the time I knew God was calling me to do this ministry. ”

How long have you been working with Operation Christmas Child?
“Since last year and I have been traveling around the United States sharing my story.”

What are your future plans with Operation Christmas Child
“I want to give people hope with the shoebox they receive and change their life.”

Do you plan on still working with Operation Christmas Child after college?
“After college I plan on getting a job, but still helping out and going around telling my story.”

Marvellous continued to talk about his life and Operation Christmas Child.

What was your life like before the shoebox and how has it changed your life?
“My life growing up as a child was really hard, because my father could not afford for us to go to school and getting food was a struggle, but we prayed every day for God to provide for us. After receiving a box, circumstances opened up for me and I came to the United States in 2016 with a basketball and track scholarship.”

In the video included with this article, Marvellous talked a little bit more about his life before his shoebox: “Life was really, really hard for my family, because we were living through the religious conflict and tried to escape to the south.” When Marvellous received his box he was so excited and could not wait to get home and open it. When he did finally open his box he knew God was listening, “I saw in my Shoebox school supplies, Because god knows that what I need.”