Assistant City Manager Appointed to State Employees’ Retirement System Board of Trustees

Melody BraddyAssistant City Manager Melody Braddy has been appointed by Governor Roy Cooper to the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System (LEGRS) Board of Trustees. The LGERS administers pension benefits to employees of cities, towns, counties, boards, commissions, and other entities of local government in North Carolina. It also administers the Supplemental Retirement Plans [NC401(k), NC 457 and NC 457 and NC 403(b)] retirement savings accounts designed to help public employees in North Carolina achieve their retirement goals.

Braddy was appointed to the 13-member Board of Trustees on July 17 and will serve a four-year term ending March 31, 2024. “I am honored to have been appointed by Governor Cooper to serve on the LGERS Board of Trustees,” said Braddy. “Public employees depend on their pension benefits and I am passionate about helping them achieve their retirement goals.”

Braddy, Assistant City Manager, began her career with the City of Gastonia in the Financial Services Department in 1990. She has held the positions of Budget Administrator and Director of Financial Services. In addition, she has served in various capacities for local and state professional groups and community organizations. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting and a master’s degree in Business Administration, both from Belmont Abbey College.

In her position as Assistant City Manager, Ms. Braddy has senior management oversight of the Airport, Transit, Financial Services Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Community Development Block Grant, Keep Gastonia Beautiful and Sister Cities programs, and the Schiele Museum of Natural History and Planetarium.