Why Health Care at Belmont Abbey College?

Four Benedictine Hallmarks That Illuminate Our New Programs

Belmont Abbey College is uniquely qualified to bring health care to a needy culture. With Benedictine roots that reach back 1500 years, the monks founded our college on ideals paramount to learning how to care for our brothers and sisters. Beyond our faithfulness to the teachings of our Catholic faith, all that we teach is also faithful to the Ethical and Religious Directive for Catholic Health Care Services. But our value goes beyond following guidelines or rules, it goes to the very heart of care itself.

Our passion is sharing a lifelong journey to search for and live in response to Truth. 


Love of Christ and Neighbor 

A core Benedictine value, love, is the expression of sacrifice so integral to those that make it a life’s vocation to serve others. Love is the “good zeal” of St. Benedict’s Rule, which has “each try to be the first to show respect to the other,” a perfect reflection of health care. Our teaching is rooted in developing a respect for all in need, at every phase of life, and shared in a community that collaborates on a rigorous and disciplined search for Truth. You will find a community that relies upon one another, welcomes all, and “prefers nothing whatsoever to Christ.”


Knowledge of Self in Relation to God, Others, and Creation

Humility is St. Benedict’s word for wisdom. It is an accurate appraisal of one’s strengths and weaknesses before God, before others, and before oneself. Through our rigorous program students will discern and cultivate the gifts they possess, and therefore find their vocation and contribute to the well-being of so many in need. In time, our program will present various options to our students, helping them find the place where their passion and skill meet, so a fulfilling future is clearly ahead for the individual and the communities they serve. 


Welcoming Another as Christ Himself

St. Benedict directs us to respond to the unexpected arrival as we would a visit form Christ himself. What could be more unexpected than an illness, an injury, or accident? To learn to welcome those in need as we would Christ himself should he need our help, that is a key tenet of our health care program. Learning to recognize the needs of those in our community, and therefore calling forth your talents to serve those of differing races, cultures, and backgrounds abounds with hospitality, and speaks of the very sacrifice of Christ himself. 


Called to Serve the Common Good

Our founding monks sought to establish our college in a particular place that demands mutual service and without concern for individual reward. We seek to ensure that students cultivate the disposition to serve others in ever deeper and broader ways. Our college derives its loving heart from this desire to serve our broader community. Our new health care programs spring from a passion passed on from generation to generation of faculty, staff,  students, and monks. Heralding in health care brings to fruition a basic desire of monks, to give to the community in meaningful and life-changing ways. 

A community also recognizes the unique gifts of every member and encourages bringing those skills to bear for the benefit of all. New faculty like Dr. Carolyn Harmon (Nursing), Dr. Gina Noia (Theological Bioethics), bring their expertise to the Abbey to establish a first-class program. Their skills combined with our partners at CaroMont promise to make the Belmont Abbey College health care programs among the best in our region.

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